March Sponsor: TricareMoms

By Natoscha McKinnon & Jessie Lipscomb

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Mom2Mom Global and Breastfeeding in Combat Boots are excited to introduce our sponsor, veteran-owned business TricareMoms! In the coming months, we'll be sharing more information about how TricareMoms supports breastfeeding military families in a number of ways. Today, guest-bloggers Natoscha McKinnon and Jessie Lipscomb from TricareMoms share with you how they take the guesswork out of obtaining your Tricare-covered breastfeeding supplies.


Obtain your breastpump at little to no cost?

Choose the pump that best fits your lifestyle?

Work with a TricareMoms representative who will file all the paperwork for you in the convenience of your home or community?

We know you may be thinking, "Why have I been doing all the work myself?" Let us introduce you to TricareMoms (TCM). At TricareMoms, we work with military spouses and active duty members. Our goal is to assure our customers the highest-quality breastfeeding products, along with helpful tips and information, in order to make breastfeeding easier and more enjoyable!

There are only a few steps to get you started: just visit us at, reach out to a TricareMoms rep in your area, and obtain a prescription from your doctor. It's that simple! During your visit, the TCM rep will be able to showcase and answer questions about Breastpumps, Compression Therapy, Postpartum Therapy, Enteral Feeding, and our Resupply Program.

We mentioned convenience, and there is no easier way to pick out your breastpump than in the comfort of your own home. TricareMoms reps arrive with several demo pumps and a demo breast.

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This will allow you to interact with the latest pumps on the market and assess the pump suction of each breastpump. They will also fill out all the paperwork needed for the insurance company and verify your coverage. That's right - we do it all! You never have to leave your home, fax/mail in forms, pay upfront and wait for reimbursement. All you have to do is pick out your pump and review the following forms and policies with our rep: Financial Responsibility, HIPAA, and our return policy. After reviewing the forms and policies, your final step is providing your signature. It's that easy! We even provide you with monthly resupplies until you contact us and cancel your shipment.

That's right - TricareMoms offers a resupply program where you can receive insurance-covered breastpump accessories! No more running to the store to pick up storage bags when you realize you are about to use your last one; we ship direct to your home. We take care of everything for you. Every month we verify your insurance coverage and ship your resupplies. Accessories can also be included in your resupplies as needed upon request. To assure you are receiving your resupply items, please obtain a prescription from your physician. Our TCM reps will be able to assist with the process and answer any questions you may have regarding our resupply program.

Our resupply program typically starts the month after your expected due date. If you deliver early, please reach out to our customer service team so that we can update your r records and begin shipping your resupplies. You can cancel this program at any time by sending an email, please put Cancel My Services in the subject line.

We look forward to assisting you on this new chapter of life! We're here for you so you're there for them.

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Jessie Lipscomb has been a Media Consultant/Graphic Artist for TricareMoms for the last 2 years and pulls from her personal experiences as a Mom. She lives in Charleston, SC with her husband who is an instructor in the Navy Pipeline, her 2 sons (Jackson & Miles) and her 2 dogs. For fun, she goes on runs with her boys, blogs about her oldest sons Autism diagnosis and enjoys being on the water.

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Natoscha McKinnon is a dependent of an Air Force Veteran and the Vice President of Business Development at TricareMoms. She currently oversees the day to day operation of the Media Team and assist's with the development of companies policies and procedures. She lives in Maryland with her husband and two (2) sons (Nathan & Logan) and their dog, Coco. For fun, Natoscha enjoys spending time with her family, reading and doing art projects with her youngest son.Make it stand out

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