BFinCB Service Member Q&A: Elizabeth Gordon author of "My Mom's Boots"

by Maria Batlle

What inspired you to join the military & how long have you been a service member?

I wasn’t sure what to do with my life after high school. My father was a Marine and I had friends that had joined the Air Force. So I really just took a leap of faith and decided to join the Air Force. I have now been in almost 10 years and it was the best decision I could have made and I don’t regret it at all!

Before becoming a parent, what did you know about Breastfeeding?

Not much really. I had my first son when I was twenty, so I didn’t have any friends that had kids yet. I followed a couple of Facebook pages and got advice from people on there that really helped!

What is or was your pumping routine like at your unit?

I worked as an air traffic controller and most of the time it was easy to get relief to go downstairs and pump. Sometimes, I went a little longer than I may have preferred between pumping but sometimes the traffic level picked up and I had to get through it and then I could take my break.

Is or was your command supportive during your breastfeeding/pumping journey?

I thought they were very supportive. Never gave me an issue and even during exercises, I was able to remove chem gear and take my breaks as needed. I worked with them and they worked with me. I firmly believe that pumping on the job is doable in the workplace as long as both parties flex.

Any tips for our Breastfeeding in Combat Boots followers?

Just keep doing it if it's something you are passionate about! I was glad that I did, but if its not working out you definitely have options.

What do you wish you would have known about breastfeeding/pumping when you started your journey?

I think you can always get better at it. But I wish I had the cup that catches the milk that drips from the side that baby isn't latched to.

One funny fact that has happened while breastfeeding/pumping in uniform?

I convinced the people at work that the formula ice bags were full of frozen breast milk.

What is the title of your Book?

"My Mom’s Boots"

What inspired you to make this book?

My boots have taken me around the world. I spent the first nine years of my Air Force career as an Air Traffic Controller. Where the AF sent me to Texas, Mississippi, Texas, Texas again, South Carolina, Germany and Africa. I then commissioned and became a Lieutenant and ended up in Montana. Being a mother to a 7 and 3 year old while being in the military, is it’s own challenge. When I found out I was tasked to deploy, I wanted to find books to share with my kids to explain what was going on. I found a couple of mom books but most of the books were geared towards dads. I bought those for my kids which did the same thing as the mom book,but I thought it was a gap that could use a fill. So, I decided to write "My Mom’s Boots" for all the military moms out there that wanted a more personal and close to home story. Needless to say, my children survived the deployment just fine and are probably even stronger!

Where can people follow you?

Instagram: @mymomsboots

Where can our followers find your book?

Click on the image to take you to the Amazon link.


#COVID19 and Breastfeeding: The Basics


Sponsor of the Month: Military Mommies